François Rousset comes from a long line of winemaking family as both of his great-grandfather and grandfather were vine growers in Jura. Only François’s father didn’t follow this path; instead, he became a microbiology researcher at the Hospice de Beaune. He eventually made some tiny bit of wine during his spare time, but most of the family vineyard’s harvest was sold to cooperatives.
Growing up in Burgundy, François would often spend his time between Burgundy and Jura helping his father while making wine. From those teenage years, he was influenced by the knowledge of microorganisms and the traditional winemaking techniques of Jura.
After graduating from his oenology degree, François started to make wine in Southern Rhone as well as in Languedoc. He eventually returned to Jura in 2007 to take over the family vineyard and to make his own wine in the village of Nevy-sur-Seille. At first, he would still sell most of the harvest to cooperatives, only keeping 3ha to himself to focus on taking care of his vineyard as well as finding his own style. It wasn’t until 2018 that he became increasingly confident and finally recovered all 8 hectares of land and farmed them all organically.